Sustainable profit with strategy portfolios
Strategy Portfolio Asset Management 100 – Reference Currency CHF
Active management strategy with 100% equity exposure. Individual investments worldwide in shares of large and medium-sized companies with convincing business models and strong growth prospects. The selected companies comply with strict ethical criteria set by us. Derivatives are not used.
Investment classes
as at 31 October 2024
Ethics ratings
as at 31.10.2024
Portfolio development
Anlageperformance vs Vergleichsindex*
per 31.10.2024
Portfolio | Vergleichsindex | |
YTD | 12,3% | 17,8% |
2023 | 8,6% | 12,0% |
2022 | -24,3% | -16,3% |
2021 | 17,1% | 21,8% |
2020 | 10,5% | 3,8% |
Portfolio | Vergleichsindex | |
10.2023 – 10.2024 | 18,5% | 25,0% |
10.2022 – 10.2023 | 1,2% | 2,4% |
10.2021 – 10.2022 | -20,3% | -13,3% |
10.2020 – 10.2021 | 35,6% | 40,2% |
10.2019 – 10.2020 | -4,5% | -7,4% |
*100% Equities World (CHF)
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The value of this investment and the income from it may fluctuate. The investor may not get back his invested capital. All return and risk figures before costs and taxes; as a rule, the result is reduced by all-in fees (transaction, custody, administration costs) on the assets under management in the amount of max. 1,50% p.a.